[2019-09-02] 深圳市人民医院DSA(单C臂数字平板血管造影系统)采购招标公告
[2019-09-04] 关于深圳市人民医院DSA(单C臂数字平板血管造影系统)采购的补充公告
[2019-09-27] 深圳市人民医院DSA(单C臂数字平板血管造影系统)采购中标候选人公示




日    期:2019年9月2日














4、所有投标书应于2019年9月24日9:30 (北京时间)之前递交到深圳市国际招标有限公司(深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路深华商业大厦裙楼六楼)633开标室。

5、定于2019年9月24日9:30 (北京时间),在深圳市国际招标有限公司(深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路深华商业大厦裙楼六楼)633开标室开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。




邮    编:518000

联 系 人:朱小姐 王小姐 

电    话:0755-83521973 0755-83521951  13682515285

传    真:0755-83521864



港  元:11002982389706

    美  元:11002982389705

Date: September 2, 2019

Tender number: 0658-19411A031283
1. Shenzhen International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "TenderIng Agency") was commissioned by the tenderer to invite qualified bidders to submit sealed bids on the following goods and related services purchased by The DSA (Single C Arm Digital Plate Angiography System) of Shenzhen People's Hospital:

Name of goods


DSA (Single C Arm Digital Flat Angiography System)

1 set

2, the intention of qualified bidders can be in Shenzhen International Tender Co., Ltd. to get further information and access to tender documents.
3, tender documents to obtain:
(1) Please visit the Shenzhen International TenderIng Co., Ltd. website from 9:00 a.m. on September 2, 2019 to 17:00 p.m. Beijing time on September 9, 2019 and download the tender documents (please ensure that registered members are not registered on www.sztc.com, if not registered, please visit http://www.sztc.com/gyssc/17414.jhtml pages).
(2) This project is free of bidding documents ordering fee, users only need to purchase electronic bidding services to participate in the project.
(3) Electronic bidding service charges: RMB1400, after the successful payment by the platform party to issue an electronic invoice, the bidder if the paper invoice, the system will be successfully paid by the platform party within one week to send the paper invoice, postage to pay.
Note: Bidders can log on to http://www.sztc.com/cwzfxz/19993.jhtml.
4. All tenders should be submitted to Shenzhen International Tender Co., Ltd. (the sixth floor of the Shenzhen Luohu Guest Road Shenzhen Commercial Building podium) before 9:30 (Beijing time) on September 24, 2019. 5, scheduled for September 24, 2019 at 9:30 (Beijing time), in Shenzhen International Tender Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Luohu District Guest Road Shenzhen Commercial Building, the sixth floor of the podium) 633 tender room opened.

Representatives of tenders are invited to attend the opening ceremony.
Name of the bidding institution: Shenzhen International TenderIng Co., Ltd.
Address: 6th floor of the podium of Shenzhen Luohu District Guest Road 2018 Shenzhen
Associate: Miss Zhu Wang
Tel: 0755-83521973 0755-83521951 13682515285
Fax: 0755-83521864
Bank of Account: Ping An Bank Shenzhen Jiangsu Building Branch
Bank Account Number: RMB: 11002982389701
Hong Kong Dollar: 11002982389706
US Dollar: 11002982389705