

日    期:2018年5月22日



1. 深圳市国际招标有限公司(以下简称“招标机构”)受招标人委托,邀请合格投标人就深圳振华富电子有限公司0603系列产品旋转式表面处理机设备采购项目的下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:







2. 有意向的合格投标人可在深圳市国际招标有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。

3. 资格证明文件和业绩:




























5. 投标截止时间:所有投标书应于2018年6月13日14时30分(北京时间)之前递交到深圳市罗湖区深华商业大厦裙楼6楼633会议室逾期送达或不符合投标规定的投标文件恕不接受。

6 开标时间及地点:定于2018年6月13日14时30分 (北京时间),在深圳市罗湖区深华商业大厦裙楼6楼633会议室公开开标。届时请参加投标的代表出席开标仪式。




邮    编:518001

联 系 人:黄小姐  王小姐

电    话:0755-83521979 或 0755-83521974或13534061788

传    真:0755-83521864




港  元:11002982389706

美  元:11002982389705




Date: May22, 2018
IFB No.:

1.       Shenzhen International Tendering Co.,Ltd. (hereafter called “Tendering Agent”) entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers for the supply of the following goods and/or service of SHENZHEN ZHENHUA FU ELECTRONICS Co.,Ltd. Surface treatment machine procurement project.

List of Products:


Product   Name



Surface   treatment machine

1   set

2.       Eligible bidders can obtain further information and the bidding documents from Shenzhen International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

3.       Qualification and Performance Requirements For Bidder:

(1)   Bidders must be legal persons or other organizations, which come from People's Republic of China, countries or regions where there are regular trades with People's Republic of China, with legal and financial independence and legal operation, separating from tenderee and tendering agent, and must register as a member on the China international bidding website((www.chinabidding.com). Bidders should provide a copy of business license or enterprise registration certification.

(2)   Bidders must be the manufacturers or legal agents which have been authorized by the manufacturers, and must provide the copy of the letter of authorization of the equipments from the manufacturers or the copy of the proxy certificate. (Except for bidders who are the manufacturers of the equipments.)

(3)   Bidders must provide the original or copy of the credit certification issued by the bank of deposit within three months before the bid opening.

(4)   Performance requirements:

A. The minimum requirement of bidders is to supply this type of equipments to at least 5 companies in the People's Republic of China. (Provide the copy of documentary evidence.)

B. Similar equipments should have after-sales stations in mainland China.. (Provide documentary evidence.)

C. The product manufacturers should have at least 5 years of production qualification and experience. Similar products should be sold at least 30 sets at home and abroad. Bidders should provide at least 30 copies of documentary evidence of performance, and at least one copy was signed before May 2013.

Note 1: The above documentary evidence of performance must reflect the name of equipments, specification, quantity and date of signing. The bidders should be responsible for the authenticity of the performance evidence. The purchaser has the right to request bidders to provide the original documents in order to verify the authenticity if necessary.

Note 2: Bidders must register as a member on www.chinabidding.com.

4.       Acquisition of Bidding Documents

Bidders must register as a member and participate in the project on the website of Shenzhen International Tendering Co.,Ltd. (www.sztc.com).

4.1   Online Registration

Please log on the website of Shenzhen International Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.sztc.com) , sign up and upload registration information from 9 am May 22, 2018 to 17 pm May 29, 2018 (Beijing time). After confirming by the tendering agent, bidders can obtain the bidding documents.

The registration information to be uploaded is as follows:

4.1.1          A copy of business license or enterprise registration certification.

4.1.2          A copy of the letter of authorization of the equipments from the manufacturers or the copy of the proxy certificate. (Except for bidders who are the manufacturers of the equipments.)

4.1.3          Performance requirements:

A.      The minimum requirement of bidders is to supply this type of equipments to at least 5 companies in the People's Republic of China. (Provide the copy of documentary evidence.)

B.      Similar equipments should have after-sales stations in mainland China.. (Provide documentary evidence.)

C.      The product manufacturers should have at least 5 years of production qualification and experience. Similar products should be sold at least 30 sets at home and abroad. Bidders should provide at least 30 copies of documentary evidence of performance, and at least one copy was signed before May 2013.

Note 1: The above documentary evidence of performance must reflect the name of equipments, specification, quantity and date of signing. The bidders should be responsible for the authenticity of the performance evidence. The purchaser has the right to request bidders to provide the original documents in order to verify the authenticity if necessary.

Note 2: Bidders must register as a member on www.chinabidding.com.

4.2   Downloading of Bidding Documents

4.2.1          Please log on the website of Shenzhen International Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.sztc.com) , register as a member and download the bidding documents from 9 am May 22, 2018 to 17 pm May 29, 2018 (Beijing time). If you are not a member of the site, please log on http://www.sztc.com/gyssc/17414.jhtml to know how to register as a member for free.

4.2.2          This project sells for free. Bidders can participate in the project after purchasing the online bidding service.

4.2.3          The charge of the online bidding service: RMB500 or USD 80. The platform will issue electronic invoice after payment. If bidders need paper invoice, the invoice will be delivered within a week after payment. The charge of delivery will be paid by bidders.

P.S. Bidders can log on http://www.sztc.com/cwzfxz/19993.jhtml to know how to pay the charge of online bidding service.

5. Deadline for Submitting Bids (Beijing Time):2018-06-13 14:30.

Place of Bid: RM633, 6/F, Shenhua Commercial Building, Jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.

All bids must be delivered before the deadline for submitting Bids. The bids that have been delivered late or not in accordance will not be accepted.

6. Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2018-06-13 14:30

Place of Bid Opening: RM633, 6/F, Shenhua Commercial Building, Jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.

The representatives of bidders are expected to attend the Bid Opening.


Bidding Agency: Shenzhen International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

Add.: 6/F, Shenhua Commercial Building, Jiabin Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.

Contact: Huang Minshu, Wang Xiuzi

Tel: 0755-83521979 or 83521974

Fax: 0755-83521864
E-mail: 1625386@qq.com
Bank: Jiangsu building sub-branch Bank, Shenzhen PingAn Bank
Account NO.(RMB):11002982389701

Account NO.(HKD): 11002982389706

Account NO.(USD):11002982389705